How to Successfully Ship on eBay

Shipping solutions for eBay sellers

Are you a seller on eBay and want to streamline all your shipments? Partner up with Eurosender and get the best logistics services for your domestic and international deliveries. Are you an individual looking for the best way to return your items bought on eBay? You can use our platform to find the best offer tailored to your needs.

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Sell goods on eBay and ship with Eurosender

  1. Create an eBay account on this page. The cost and type of account will depend on the kind of goods you want to sell.
  2. Create a PayPal account in order to receive the payments for the goods you are selling and get additional protection when buying and selling.
  3. Once you found a buyer for your goods, just log in to your Eurosender account and book a shipping service.
  4. Make sure that you receive the payment before you ship the goods.

Why companies choose eBay to sell their goods

Expand your business
With over 180 million users worldwide and 1.300 million listings in 2019, eBay is the right place to grow global.

Instant brand recognition
Get customers to trust your business faster by having a store in a safe selling platform.

Save with low fees
eBay fees for sold items are lower than the one’s incomparable websites and listings are free of charge.


International shipping services for your eBay products

Many sellers complain of high fix costs and lack of flexibility when shipping their eBay sales.
Eurosender offers businesses the opportunity of bringing their logistics to an international level:
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Shipping alternatives when selling on eBay

How to ship internationally on eBay? eBay offers different options for sellers, but the standard international shipping procedure on eBay has many shortcomings. The number of courier providers is limited, and the size and weight limitations may be very strict.

Global Shipping Program

This scheme is only valid for sellers registered on or The seller ships their items to a hub where eBay gets in charge of forwarding them to their final destination. These shipments have the size and weight limitations and are not insured.

Freight shipping for B2B

Only available for B2B sellers in the US.

eBay return policy. What is the process to return purchases from eBay?

When opening a shop on eBay, sellers must decide on their return policy and on who will pay for the shipping costs. However, under the eBay return policy, customers can always return purchases and get a refund if the item arrives damaged, doesn’t match the listing description, or is the wrong item. You can easily send back eBay items, even if the seller’s return policy says they don’t accept returns. Make sure to request a return no later than 30 days after the delivery date, or within the seller’s return window.

Check more information about eBay returns on the FAQ below.


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How to sell and ship on eBay – parcel courier services FAQ

Do I have to pack my items for shipping?
Whether you choose eBay courier services or if you decide to ship your goods with Eurosender you will need to pack your items for shipping. The materials required for shipping goods depend on the type of product you want to ship. Do you need more info on how to pack and prepare your eBay items for shipping? You can check our pack and ship guides with tips for packing dozens of different items.
Are deliveries insured when using eBay shipping solutions?
eBay parcel courier services do not include automatic shipping insurance and the policy options vary from country to country. When you ship your sold items with Eurosender, you will get immediate access to different insurance options depending on the type of your shipment.
Can eBay businesses ship to every country in the world?
eBay offers the Global Shipping program for sellers registered in eBay UK and eBay US only. Even though this service allows shipping to dozens of countries, it does not offer insurance and is only available for small packages. Eurosender offers global deliveries for parcels of all sizes, weights and prices. Additionally, we offer shipping insurance at no extra cost with each standard shipment and additional insurance for all types of parcels.
Who pays the postage costs in case of returning items to eBay?
It depends on the seller’s return policy and the reason for the return. In general, the eBay seller pays for return shipping if they offer a free return policy or if the item was damaged, faulty, or doesn’t match the listing description.
If you’re returning the item because you changed your mind, and the seller’s return policy states that buyers are responsible for the return shipping, then the customer should cover the eBay return postage charges.
How to return something to eBay?
  • Start a return in your account;
  • Check the status of the open return request and wait for the seller’s response;
  • Send back your eBay items using eBay return options or book the delivery with Eurosender.
  • Print and attach a return shipping label sent to you by the seller or eBay. When shipping through Eurosender, we will send the return shipping label via e-mail.
  • In your account, you’ll also get the time frame in which you should send the item back to eBay.
  • Add a tracking number to your return request to avoid delays or issues with a refund.
How does shipping on eBay work after Brexit?
As a seller, you have to make sure you have all the necessary documents and permits to ship outside the UK. eBay shipping for UK sellers after Brexit has changed and some vendors may need to get an EORI number to export to the EU. Exports to the EU will also be subjected to VAT, depending on their total value. eBay still offers their Global Shipping Programme for UK sellers after Brexit, with the customer paying import and VAT duties upfront, as well as different delivery options for vendors that want to book an independent courier service. You can check our page on the effects of Brexit on e-commerce for more info.
Can I buy on eBay from the EU after Brexit?
eBay will still operate within the EU and the UK. International transactions will have to go through customs and is possible that custom charges may apply. When this happens, buyers may have to pay said charges. Learn more about Brexit and customs on our dedicated page.
Can I return the order to eBay without the original package?
Yes, you can send back eBay items without the original package, but make sure to pack the products carefully. If the items arrive damaged during return shipping because they weren’t packaged correctly, sellers may deduct the value from your refund to cover the loss in the item’s value.
Can I return used items to eBay?
To receive a refund of your order, make sure the items you are sending back to eBay are unused and not damaged, without any missing parts. According to the eBay return policy, if the item sent back to eBay already has signs of usage, the customer is not entitled to a refund or compensation.


Global courier service for your eBay goods

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Check out other selling guides:

The information above is a result of online research and is subject to change at any moment. Eurosender will not be held responsible for any occurred casualties as a result of updated information on the official marketplace website. Nevertheless, we do our best to keep the presented information on our website as present as possible.