Shipping Solutions for Online Sellers | Marketplaces and E-commerce

Global shipping solutions for online marketplaces

Get reliable and simple delivery services for your online business in just a few clicks. Join Eurosender and create your own logistics department for your online shop or e-commerce site, completely free of charge. Sign up and join a community of thousands of SMEs and online sellers profiting from low prices, a one-stop platform and many more benefits that will grant you access to the best shipping solutions for online sellers. Check our selling guides to learn the best way to sell and ship from the most popular marketplaces and e-commerce platforms.

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What is the difference between e-commerce and marketplace?

A marketplace is a website, like Etsy, Asos Marketplace or eBay, with many different sellers. Marketplaces allow online sellers to offer their products on a reputable and reliable platform.

An E-commerce site, like Shopify or BigCommerce, offers sellers the chance of opening their own online storefront with different marketing, listing, payment, and communication tools.

Advantages of selling on Marketplaces vs e-commerce


You can register in a few hours and start selling your products right away.

Add your items to the generic site

Target: every customer of the marketplace

Commission fees for every sale

Trusted by most consumers

E-commerce sites

You will have to create a profile and it can take longer to set up the page.

Ability to personalise your own storefront

Target: shops have to attract customers themselves.

No commission, fee for maintaining the website

Easier to differentiate from competitors


Get the best logistics services for e-commerce sites & marketplaces


Shipping solutions for online sellers

Some sellers decide to create their online shops instead of registering on an e-commerce platform. This way, they have complete control of the sales process, from design to marketing and deliveries. Regardless of the platform you prefer, we have logistics services matching your needs, from warehousing to fulfilment. Get reliable shipping solutions for your marketplace by teaming up with Eurosender. Set up your own logistics department and manage all your logistics needs with a trusted team of experts. Register for free with us and get the best delivery services for your online business.
Set up a business account


Increase your sales with our guides for selling online

Get more information about the best marketplaces for starting businesses and sellers and bring your
online shop to the next level with reliable international shipping for marketplaces.


International shipping for marketplaces

Our platform will automatically match you with the shipping solution for online sellers and marketplaces that best accommodates your needs.
We offer several international shipping solutions for e-commerce and marketplaces services to match all our clients’ needs.
Do you have special requirements? Get a personalised quote


Packing tips for online sellers

Check our guides for in depth packing tips and instructions.

See all our guides


Get a reliable delivery for your online business right away

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FAQ – Selling and shipping from marketplaces vs. e-commerce

How do online marketplaces work?
Online marketplaces are platforms that connect customers with several online sellers. Independent shops or even an occasional seller can list their products and reach many customers, who will browse the marketplace for the products they want and select the seller with the best offer. Some marketplaces offer integrated shipping, while others leave that to sellers. Eurosender offers international shipping for marketplaces matching your exact needs.
How can I register as a seller on a marketplace?
Registering a seller on an online marketplace is usually pretty easy. You will have to introduce the details of your shop and provide financial information, such as your VAT number and a business bank account. You add your listings to the marketplace, and the platform will show your products to customers.
Can I create an e-commerce site for free?
Most e-commerce hosting sites charge a monthly or yearly maintenance fee. The fees depend on each platform and usually do not depend on the number of sales you make.
Do e-commerce sites offer shipping and returns?
It depends on their company policy. Once you have created your profile, you can start listing your products and establishing your store’s shipping and returns policy. Most e-commerce sites allow sellers to customise their own rules and policies. Delegate your logistics processes to Eurosender, and we will provide you with the shipping solution for online sellers and marketplaces that best matches your needs.
What are the advantages of online marketplaces?
Online marketplaces allow you to start selling without having to create and maintain your webpage. Also, the marketplace often offers different payment methods and personalisation tools to help you design your online storefront. On the other hand, most marketplaces take a commission for each sold item or charge a monthly fee to maintain the shop open.
How do online marketplaces make money?
Most online marketplaces take a commission for each item sold. Some others charge a monthly fee that sellers must pay to keep the store open. Besides the costs covered by the registered shops, marketplaces often show advertisements, which helps them with revenue based on the traffic it attracts.
Are marketplaces good for small businesses?
Marketplaces can be a good option for small businesses because they allow you to set up an online selling site without having to create a webpage from scratch. By registering as a seller on a marketplace, you can benefit from already embedded payment and listing tools. Registering as a seller on a marketplace can help your small or starting business get going. Once you have established a solid client base, you can think about creating your site.
No matter which stage you are on – whether you just started your business or if you are fully developed already – Eurosender will always help you grow even further by finding the best delivery service for your online business at the lowest price.