Immigrate to Chile. International Removals to Chile

Moving to Chile. Things you should know before you immigrate to Chile

Whether you migrate to Chile with family, for work or as a student, Eurosender offers the fastest, safest, and cheapest option to move personal belongings to your new place of residence. International removals to Chile with Eurosender are the best solution for you. Explore some basic facts about this country and relocation services we provide to get ready for moving to Chile.

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How to immigrate to Chile with Eurosender

Chile is a wonderful country in South America which attracts many tourists and expats. Visitors usually move to Chile to explore the diversity of nature in the country, while immigrants may enjoy numerous job and business opportunities along with the high quality of life. Those who want to immigrate to Chile will find here all the necessary facts about the country, information about visa, education, and the healthcare system. Explore the best services for international removals to Chile provided by Eurosender.
UTC-5 to UTC-3
Peso (CLP)
17.5 million
Official language
Dialling code
Emergency number
133, ambulance: 131
On the right side


Cost of moving to Chile: International removals to Chile with Eurosender

Eurosender offers a wide range of affordable shipping options for international removals to Chile.

Priority Express service

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Freight Service

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Visa regulations for Chile

If you already signed a contract with an employer, you can apply for a work visa or work permit in Chile. Otherwise, you can arrive as a tourist and search for a job locally.

There are different ways to require a visa for Chile, depending on the purpose of your arrival:

  • Tourist visa. Whatever the reason for your stay in Chile, you will need to apply for a tourist visa first. There’s no need to apply for this type of visa in advance because it is possible to obtain a visa upon arrival to a Chilean airport.
  • Work visa. There are other types of visas for investors, businessmen, and freelancers who plan to immigrate to Chile and start a business or be self-employed there.
  • Temporary residency visa. This type of visa is granted for expats planning to stay in Chile for a certain period. Thus, it is usually given to those who immigrate to Chile for work, professional activity, family reunification, and investment purposes.
  • Permanent residency visa. You can apply for this type of visa only after you lived under temporary residency in Chile for at least 180 days within 1 year. The permanent residency visa is usually issued for 5 years. Afterwards, you can directly apply for Chilean citizenship or dual citizenship.
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Cost of moving to Chile. Properties in Chile

Expats moving to Chile prefer residing in Santiago or Valparaiso since those cities offer better job opportunities, private schools for children, and comprise large communities of different immigrant groups. If you are immigrating to Chile as a student or to work, the average rental cost will be about €380 per month for a 1-bedroom apartment. The prices for apartments will be higher in prestigious regions of Santiago and lower in the suburbs of the city. If you want to buy property in Chile, the average price for 1 square meter would be about €2000.

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The cost of living in Chile

Chile is characterised by high standards of living, but the prices are not that high in the country. The average salary rate in Chile is €770, but everything depends on the industry and your qualification. The most expensive cities in Chile are Santiago, Valparaiso, and Concepcion. Expats living in Chile report that the main items of expenditure include apartment rental (€450), utility bills (€100-150), and food (€100-150).

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The job market in Chile

The Chilean economy is prosperous and one of the strongest in Latin America. Most of the job opportunities for expats living in Chile are in the services and resource-based sectors, particularly mining and forestry. Furthermore, the job market in Chile is actively attracting medical and engineering specialists, but you will need to legitimise your diploma if you got it in another country.
The average salary rates in Chile depend on the industry and may range from €450 to €3500 depending on your qualification. You can apply for a job either online through various websites or ask a friend if there are any open vacancies at his or her company. It is also necessary to consider the mindset of local people as your job application may be reviewed for more than a month.

School and education in Chile

Expats moving to Chile with children of school age need to take care of their education. If you are a student who wants to immigrate to Chile and study there, it may be challenging for you.
Children need to obligatory attend school, starting from the age of 6. Given that the quality of education in Chile is not high in public institutions, many Chilean nationals choose private schools for their children. Many expats moving to Chile with families also prefer private international schools which offer bilingual classes and language courses at the same time.
All higher education institutions in Chile require obligatory tuition fees. The cost of education in universities and colleges is very high, while its quality of education is honestly poor.

Age: 3-6
Compulsory: No
Primary education
Age: 6-13
Compulsory: Yes
Secondary school
Age: 14-18
Compulsory: Yes

Healthcare in Chile

Both citizens and legal residents of Chile are provided with the opportunity to access the national health service FONASA (Fondo Nacional de Salud) which is funded by the government and subsidised by taxes. The healthcare system of Chile has plenty of public hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country, offering medical services of acceptable quality.

Expats moving to Chile might also consider private healthcare coverage because it fully covers healthcare services, while the quality of care is way much more comprehensive. Unlike many European countries and the USA, you can attend any medical specialist upon necessity without an appointment. Furthermore, it is possible to buy medicines in Chile without any particular prescription.

Driving in Chile

As a tourist, you can drive in Chile with the U.S., Canadian, Australian or any other driving licence for the duration of your tourist permit (usually 90 days). However, as soon as you are a resident, you are expected to use a Chilean driving licence. If you prefer renting or buying a car in Chile as your primary transportation mean, then you should follow the following rules:

  • Drive on the right side of the road.
  • The minimum driving age is 17. You can rent a car in Chile after the age of 21.
  • Do not exceed the speed limits: 50 km/h in built-up areas and 120 km/h on highways.
  • The traffic in Santiago can be tough during rush hours in the morning and the evening.
Send your driving licence, insurance or any other urgent document with Eurosender Document Service, and it will be delivered in the shortest time possible.
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What to expect when living in Chile as an expat

Immigrants moving to Chile allocate the following aspects of living there:

  • High standard of living. Expats relocating from the USA to Chile or coming from other developed countries would notice the difference. However, when comparing Chile with other countries in the region, Chile can boast the highest standards of living.
  • Diversity. Owing to its geographical location, Chile can offer lots of opportunities and unique natural spots for its visitors and expats.
  • The pace of life. People moving to Chile from the USA and busy metropolises notice that the pace of life in Chile is moderate. People do not tend to hurry in everyday and professional life.
  • You need to speak Spanish. Before you immigrate to Chile, it is necessary to acknowledge that less than 10 per cent of local people speak English. Thus, it is highly recommended to learn basic Spanish to feel comfortable after the relocation.

Relocate to Chile with Eurosender

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The most popular destinations from where you can move to Chile

Moving to Chile from the UK

Whether you are moving to Chile from the United Kingdom for work or retirement purposes, you need to get ready for relocation properly. Book services for international removals to Chile with Eurosender platform to send packages, suitcases or pallets and get the most affordable cost of moving house to Chile.

Moving to Chile from Canada

If you are moving to Chile from Canada and looking for an affordable solution to send your belongings and furniture, Eurosender can offer you access to a wide network of international logistics companies and affordable cost of moving house to Chile. By using our online platform, you can automatically see the cost of your shipment and the estimated delivery time of shipping services from Canada to Chile.

Moving to Chile from the USA

Moving to Chile from the USA is stress-free with Eurosender. Use convenient tools on our website that would help you to estimate the delivery date, check the average moving costs to Chile, and trace your shipments in the real-time.

Disclaimer: All information on this page is true and correct as of 11.03.2020 and is subject to change at any time. Eurosender is not responsible for any updates or changes to any information on this page or actions taken by parties as a result of outdated information. Nevertheless, we do our best to keep all information across our website as current as possible.